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Details Employee Master

Employee Photo

Jerin Ampanattu
Employee Code 500560
Employee Name Jerin Ampanattu
Father Name Jemes Ampanattu
Employee ID 28635628978
ID Expiry Date 22/09/2015
Nationality India
Occupation Electrician (Gen)
Passport Number G 3730154
Date of Entry 22/09/2011
Passport Exp. Date 28/06/2017
Mobile Number 70360575, 55233783 (Uncle)
Reference Name Office
Vaccation From
Vaccation To
Vaccation Tour
Comment PP Return Comeback for vacation 25.03.2014 He take his passport for vacation on 18/01/2015
Employee Relative Details
Relation Name Code Passport Expiry Health Card Expiry Driving Licence Expiry
                                                                              No Relative record entered
Employee Document Details
                                                                              No Relative record entered