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Details Employee Master

Employee Photo

KALAYAN MITRA ..........Change Complete on 06/02/2017
Employee Code 500843
Employee Name KALAYAN MITRA ..........Change Complete on 06/02/2017
Father Name MITRA
Employee ID 28405014408
ID Expiry Date 20/02/2016
Nationality Bangladesh
Occupation BRICK SMITH
Passport Number AA7950676
Date of Entry 20/02/2015
Passport Exp. Date 14/11/2016
Mobile Number 50680935
Reference Name Helmi Tranding Ref: shapon (out)
Vaccation From
Vaccation To
Vaccation Tour
Status True
Comment paid Salary transfer Amount : 1000 . Paid salary transfer amount : 500 second time on 25/05/2016 . he take passport for renew on 25/05/2016 . Return salary transfer amount on 05/02/2017 return salary transfer amount and passport after change complete on 06/02/2017.
Employee Relative Details
Relation Name Code Passport Expiry Health Card Expiry Driving Licence Expiry
                                                                              No Relative record entered
Employee Document Details
                                                                              No Relative record entered